The Benefit of physical activity among Children

Neha Desai
3 min readJun 27, 2023


Physical activities play a vital role in a child’s development, fostering their physical health and cognitive and emotional well-being. Amity Dubai, a renowned educational institution, understands the significance of engaging children in regular physical activities. By offering a comprehensive range of sports and recreational programs, Amity Dubai goes beyond academics to prioritize the holistic growth of its students. Here, we will look at the benefits physical activities bring to children, highlighting Amity Dubai’s commitment to nurturing a healthy future for its students.

  1. Promotes Physical Fitness

Regular physical activities, such as sports, dance, and outdoor play, are instrumental in promoting physical fitness among children. Engaging in these activities helps develop their muscles, bones, and cardiovascular system, contributing to overall health and strength. At Amity Dubai, children have access to state-of-the-art sports facilities and expert guidance, ensuring they receive proper physical training. Students build endurance, flexibility, and coordination through active participation in sports and physical education classes, laying the foundation for lifelong good habits.

2.Enhances Cognitive Abilities

Physical activities benefit the body and stimulate children’s cognitive abilities. Research shows that regular exercise improves concentration, memory, and problem-solving skills. Students enhance their brain function and academic performance by engaging in physical activities at Amity Dubai. The brain receives more blood and oxygen when one exercise, which encourages the formation of new synaptic connections. It leads to improved focus, enhanced learning capacity, and better retention of information, ultimately boosting children’s overall cognitive development.

3.Fosters Social and Emotional Skills

Physical activities at Amity Dubai allow children to interact with their peers and develop crucial social and emotional skills. Students learn the value of cooperation, teamwork, and communication through team sports. They also acquire essential life skills such as leadership, resilience, and sportsmanship. By engaging in physical activities, children build self-confidence, develop a positive self-image, and learn to manage stress and emotions effectively. These invaluable social and emotional skills acquired at Amity Dubai contribute to their well-being and prepare them for future success.

4.Promotes a Healthy Lifestyle

Introducing children to physical activities from an early age instils a love for an active lifestyle. By integrating physical activities into their daily routine, children are more likely to carry these habits into adulthood. Amity Dubai recognizes the importance of a healthy lifestyle and offers diverse activities catering to each child’s interests and abilities. By encouraging regular exercise and making it enjoyable, Amity Dubai instils a lifelong commitment to physical well-being, reducing the risk of lifestyle-related diseases and promoting a healthier future for its students.

Importance of physical activity

Physical activities improve cardiovascular health, enhancing the heart and lung function. Moreover, it builds strength and endurance, improving overall physical performance. Additionally, physical activities contribute to healthy growth and development by increasing bone density, improving posture, and fostering coordination and motor skills.

Engaging children in physical activities is essential for their overall development and well-being. At Amity Dubai, the importance of physical fitness is recognized and incorporated into the curriculum. By providing students with top-notch sports facilities, expert guidance, and a wide range of physical activities, Amity Dubai ensures that children reap the benefits of regular exercise. By fostering physical fitness, cognitive abilities, social skills, and a healthy lifestyle, Amity Dubai paves the way for its students’ promising and prosperous future.

